Sunday, September 19, 2010

the evil strawberry must see!!

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The Tragedy That Stunned The World

When I first glanced upon the photo of that sad September morning three words came to my mind. Unfortunately none of those words made me smile or made me even smirk they all made me think of the benefits I have that others don’t especially the benefit that I'm still here alive healthy and fairly happy. I have everything I'd ever want in my life the people in this photo I am sure have seen blood shed and people jumping to their deaths simply because they couldn't escape the fire caused by terrorists crashing a plane into the twin towers. People now have seen what is so called to be the face of Satan in the smoke coming off of the burning towers and the person who thought up the plan of the 9/11 attack Sadam Husane if you change two letters in his first name it makes the word Satan.
One of the horrific words that came into my head as I was glancing upon the ashes left from the collapsing of not just one, but both the towers, is the word freedom. Yes us as Americans have freedom but the people who killed all of those people that day did not have that freedom that we do. They wake up in the morning to being told what to do they can’t go and do what they want like we can we are very fortunate as Americans.If we didn’t have the freedom we do then we would have everything chosen for us our religion, our speech, our home, the way we dress and look, everything would be controlled.
The second word that came in to my head was reason. There was no reason the terrorists had to crush all of the hearts of the American people on that day, other then they were simply told to and they were dumb enough to do everything they are told. This goes back to the saying if your friend told you to jump off a cliff would you, because I know I sure wouldn’t not even for all the money in the world. There were children who were in school and daycare who that night didn’t have a mom or a dad or even both,the terrorists killed thousands of people on that day, and we as Americans have stood together strong for the 9 years after that tragedy and we will stride on for several hundred more years.

Monday, September 13, 2010


In the poem I, Too Sing America by Langston Hughes,the tones of  pride and accomplisment, are used to show that racisim is  a pitiful and cruel thing to do,and to show the author's true belifs at the thought of this. The stanza that says "I am the darker brother" shows that the author is a more mysterious and scary being. Also the stanza "They'll see how beautiful I am"  shows that the author is wanting to show the reader that no matter how hard he gets pulled down and how much people make fun of him his point will still be heard.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Well, I've never had a blog before but I am loving how you can customize your own blog!!:)