Wednesday, December 8, 2010


    Why do some people think that since identical twins are just like each other, I mean really exactly alike like same interests,feelings, and emotions. In Ellen Hopkins book Identical there are two twins Raeanne and Kaeleigh, most people would think when reading the front cover of the book that the girls are exactly alike and are best friends and have the same activities everyday, however that's not true in this case and in most cases.
    Raeanne is more of the bad girl, she smokes pot and has sex with her boyfriend when she gets high which is all the time due to the fact that she is addicted. Her sister Kaeleigh is totally different she's a daddy's girl and is totally the perfect daughter never does anything she isn't supposed to and tries very hard to keep her grades at a very acceptable percentage. All in all they are different down to the DNA. Most people don't think that twins could be so different.
    Just because people look alike doesn't mean that they have to act just alike and basically be the same person. Believe me ask any twin if they are like their brother or sister and they will automatically say no because most twins don't want to be like each other. There's nothing fun about having somebody dress the same as you or have every class with you and talk at the same time as you, after awhile it just gets plain annoying.
    In Ellen Hopkins book Identical there was a question that the author put that wasn't answered at all throughout her book and it left you to find out the answer as you read her book, the author asks Do twins begin in the womb? Or in a better place? Whether or not twins begin in the womb or a better place they still have their own personalities and are two totally different people whether they look alike or not. People look alike all the time but that doesn't mean they have to act like their look alike. Us as people in God's world need to stop and think about how we are categorizing people by their actions,feelings,the color of their skin,and their looks.  
    I personally think that people need to put themselves in a twin's position and see how they would feel if they always got asked Are you guys twins? or Do y'all have the same classes? and my personal favorite.. not really Do y'all dress alike? When you are asked these questions you hate to answer because  you don't want to disappoint somebody by answering no to all of them, but at least you answered truthfully. Therefore don't underestimate twins we could surprise you by the shocking differences most of us have trust me I know there are three sets of twins in my family all girls we're all totally different.