Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Day Your Here The Next Your Not

          Animal poaching is a major problem that, we as humans in the great and beautiful country that we live in definitely don't need to take lightly. There are several different types of precious species of animals that are in grave danger due to the poachers coming in and killing the animals and taking the animals body parts and selling them for money or taking them for a trophy. Before there were anti-poaching laws places like national parks were losing several hundred animals a year just because of poaching. Now those numbers are still pretty high but not as high as they were before.
          There is still much we can do to stop poaching in the United States and in countries like Africa where the African Rhino is on its way to extinction because of poachers. The sad thing about this species is that poachers will kill the animal and cut off the horn and just leave the rest of the animal there to rot. According to the information in Ganley's article about African Rhinos and how they are being hunted and killed, if you are caught in Africa with a rhino horn you will be in a lot of trouble and whoever finds the horn with you will probably get in trouble for beating you so much.(Ganley)
           There is also other animals that are in need of help from being taken off this earth from the cruelty of poachers. The minke and gray whales are in a totally different region then the African Rhino but are in the same position. The minke and gray whales however, have to worry about being killed and then being cut open and their meat used to be in people's soup. We could use a different meat in our soup besides one of a animal on the verge of not existing anymore. If something doesn't happen to fix this major problem then we will never get to show these beautiful animals to our grand kids or maybe not even our children.This problem needs to be fixed and people are the only ones who can fix it because animals don't have a voice they can't speak for themselves so they need somebody to help them and be their voice and love and care for them so they can stay on this earth and coexist with people in harmony.