Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Character Analysis

               Sometimes we run across people who are in many ways stubborn, these people are sometimes also called determined. We also know these people to be our everyday normal hardheads. Everyone has their own flaws and we all seem to make mistakes because we are only human. Sophocles shows a very determined stubborn personality in his character Antigone in his dramatic Greek traegdy Antigone. She is a powerful woman who has been a certain right to bury her beloved brother.
               Her brother, Polynices, who Antigone believes " I will bury, and thine no less," has a very stubborn sister who fights for what she wants and what she knows to be right. To me Antigone seems to want nothing more to do then what she belives to be right and doesn't want to listen to anybody else's opinion on how she should or shouldn't do things. To her sister, Ismene, Antigone is just trying to do nothing but get herself into a heap of trouble. When Antigone thinks of breaking the law and burying her brother she thinks of herself and the Gods and it is where she knows " I shall dwell forever." Antigone in a way seems like she only wants to please a certain crowd and that she doesn't care what other people think about her and only wants to abide to her rules. She only wants to do whats right to the people she knows care the most and she will be with for the rest of her life which are, in this case, the Gods.
               Haunted by the dreadful thought of her brothers bones being "picked by the fowl and licked by hungry dogs," Antigone trys to fight for her brother's rights. Antigone seems to always wanted to do the right thing and the single thought of her poor brother lying on the cold ground getting eaten and his bones being picked doesn't seem to sound appealing to her. She loves her brother and doesn't want anyone or anything to cause anymore harm to him then they already have. Antigone knows that nothing seems "more honorable then this, the burying of my brother." Antigone knows not anything else other to do in this situation then to try do the right thing in her mind. She also seems to want the little family she has left to help her and try to be as honorable to her dead brother as she is trying to be.
                Antigone knew her brother who "in his grave with not subscribe to this." She knows her family all so well and thinks she knows exactly whats best and whats the worst possible thing for them at any given moment. If she was in her brother's situation I believe her brother would do the same thing she is trying to for him to her. With Antigone's brother being dead she is left "with a heavy hearted soul." Antigone knows that when she was sentenced off into the cave that she might not make it back out alive and that she wanted nothing more then to just make things right. She wanted to be with the people she loved and thought the best way to do it was to be dead herself and hopefully get proper burial rights.
                In this tragic play the most stubborn and determined girl I have ever heard fights for the rights she thinks her family deserves and in the end dies for what she thinks is the right way to do things. In the end love conquers all and family comes first, Antigone thought so and we as people ourselves should take that into consideration the next time one of our parents or siblings need help. Antigone in the end and throughout the whole story was a strong and determined young girl who got denied the proper rights her family and her deserved.

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