Saturday, September 24, 2011

Emerson Education Blog Post

Emerson uses many strong words to show his point on how education now could be changed. Teacher's now have changed ways to make learning better for children, when it's actually making it worse. Education should be something that people should teach us willingly not something that people should force on us.

In paragraph 10, Emerson describes how the educational system is revolved not around the natural student, but around the natural teacher. Emerson also mentions how the school would be home to genius, this is no longer true in today's society we are all too lazy to want to become known as a genius, or we care too much about what other people think and then just not want to be different. He also says that students have appetite and indolence but no enthusiasm. Most students today don't want to go to school they think it's not their home, but more of their jail. If you thought of your school as your home you would want to learn, now it's the complete opposite.

Emerson also mentions, in paragraph 10, how teachers have to sensor their teaching style around the students that who aren't geniuses and you have to hold the so called geniuses back because of the students who don't care. In my school people don't listen to teacher's instructions and they end up having to repeat themselves a million times, this makes me so irratated and makes me not want to be at school because of people not doing what they are supposed to and listen to the instructor. You won't get very far if you aren't paying attention, if you think about it most jobs require a college degree and if you don't get that education you will end up getting paid minimum wage and working at some place like McDonald's.

Emerson also mentions that you have to work for large classes not for individuals, this is also very true to my school teachers and councelors don't care about what you want to be they want everyone to learn the same things even if it won't help you in your future occupation, this way people get more education and seem to work better since everyone is taking the same courses.

Some teachers decide that you have to do certain things like analyze the movement of a prokaryotic cell that is hypertonic in a solution, if you have a nature to be an art teacher or an artist this will not help you at all and won't even get you anywhere in your future occupation, it will give you some umimportant knowledge about cells that 30 years from now you won't even remember you learned.

Emerson's view on education is very wise and very accurate things do need to change and they need to take action and change them soon or we will eventually run out of those few people who are considered geniuses and then we will all be lazy bums who don't give a rip about education and where they will get in life. Some school's like mine need to get a grip on the reality of what the students actually care about, and that's not what your showing us right now.

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