Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Men Need Sleep!

Barry’s idealistic humor reforms any woman’s idea of men and their almost too regular, sleeping patterns. Barry forms a position that men need sleep to function properly, by using examples of ethos, pathos, and logos to further inform people on the matter of men needing their daily afternoon naps.
                Barry begins by using ethos to emphasize his idea on men needing more deep sleep. The “breakthrough” researchers “indicate[d]” to be an important study at the University of Chicago gives Barry’s theory more credit. He makes it known throughout the article that men have hormones that they need to do even the simplest things like push buttons on a remote, and the only way to make these hormones is to sleep. Barry uses this to address the matter at hand and to give his idea more credibility since it was an actual study done at a known university.  The somewhat idiotic man in the newspaper clipping Barry refers to “concern[s]” a man in Tehama County who decided to “shoot” himself with a rifle helps point out how many men can treat their selves medically and be just fine without consulting a physician. Barry makes this a well drawn out story and uses some satire in showing how before you can help yourself medically you must first sleep.  He uses this to convince the readers that men really do need sleep to do even the most idiotic tasks.
                Barry then shifts to using logos to help defend that men need their daily afternoon naps to function. The “hormones” men produce that “compel” them to do stupid things like watch constant replays in slow motion on TV are one good reason to show that Barry is supporting his point. He uses the hormones excuse throughout the essay and goes on to say women do not produce those hormones, but instead produce and different kind that compels them to rearrange furniture. Barry uses sarcasm to show that any man’s spouse will be happy to support their husbands in this health kick to get more sleep. Barry thinks there should be “Muscle Mass for Men”, an idea for an exercise show that features eight to 10 “uninterrupted” hours of men sleeping. He keeps mentioning that there would be fitness centers that would be equipped with the latest in mattress technology, he also goes back and uses the idea he mentioned earlier that men have to watch TV. He uses this to make the reader think about men and their hormones that are apparently vital for survival.
                Barry closes to use pathos to connect to the emotions the readers possess for men and how they need sleep more than usual. The new “physique” Barry creates in the mind of the reader of men needing sleep is something that even the “manliest man” needs. Barry reaches out to the reader’s personal emotions and hopes that they will feel sorry for men that may be even the toughest guys on Earth, but they don’t get enough sleep so therefore they are weak. He broadens his point on how men need these crucial hours of sleep to do things like operate a TV remote. Barry brings up an example of a newspaper article he received “concerning” a Tehama County man that allegedly “[shot]” his foot because of a painful corn on his toe. Barry describes this whole situation as a man treating himself in a manly way, and how if he would have visited a doctor that it would have cost him a fortune. He reaches out to the reader making them feel sorry for the man and his pain and that he obviously didn’t have enough money to pay for a doctor’s bill.
                Barry uses ethos, pathos, and logos to establish that men need their sleep even in a stupid way they need it no matter what to do the things we as women ignore and try not to think about. Barry also uses sarcasm to make his article humorous to the reader.

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