Wednesday, December 8, 2010


    Why do some people think that since identical twins are just like each other, I mean really exactly alike like same interests,feelings, and emotions. In Ellen Hopkins book Identical there are two twins Raeanne and Kaeleigh, most people would think when reading the front cover of the book that the girls are exactly alike and are best friends and have the same activities everyday, however that's not true in this case and in most cases.
    Raeanne is more of the bad girl, she smokes pot and has sex with her boyfriend when she gets high which is all the time due to the fact that she is addicted. Her sister Kaeleigh is totally different she's a daddy's girl and is totally the perfect daughter never does anything she isn't supposed to and tries very hard to keep her grades at a very acceptable percentage. All in all they are different down to the DNA. Most people don't think that twins could be so different.
    Just because people look alike doesn't mean that they have to act just alike and basically be the same person. Believe me ask any twin if they are like their brother or sister and they will automatically say no because most twins don't want to be like each other. There's nothing fun about having somebody dress the same as you or have every class with you and talk at the same time as you, after awhile it just gets plain annoying.
    In Ellen Hopkins book Identical there was a question that the author put that wasn't answered at all throughout her book and it left you to find out the answer as you read her book, the author asks Do twins begin in the womb? Or in a better place? Whether or not twins begin in the womb or a better place they still have their own personalities and are two totally different people whether they look alike or not. People look alike all the time but that doesn't mean they have to act like their look alike. Us as people in God's world need to stop and think about how we are categorizing people by their actions,feelings,the color of their skin,and their looks.  
    I personally think that people need to put themselves in a twin's position and see how they would feel if they always got asked Are you guys twins? or Do y'all have the same classes? and my personal favorite.. not really Do y'all dress alike? When you are asked these questions you hate to answer because  you don't want to disappoint somebody by answering no to all of them, but at least you answered truthfully. Therefore don't underestimate twins we could surprise you by the shocking differences most of us have trust me I know there are three sets of twins in my family all girls we're all totally different.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Precious moments..

Precious Moments..
In life there is always a moment in time where you think the world has stopped spinning and in that one solitary moment you always stop and think about all of the terrible and happy things that have happened in your life. While I was smiling looking down into those two precious blue eyes I thought about two people they were the two most precious memories I have had and they were there for a moment and then they were gone.
My crazy pushy mother used to tell me every night as a kid "run into your room and quit dreaming like your heads stuck in the clouds and start on your school work I know you have a whole collection of it growing under your bed."
"OK mother", that was my answer to everything and I knew that she wouldn't be too worried if she got lost wondering things that could or couldn't happen in a million years.
And now sixteen years later I'm back in the house with the lavender smell of the linen closet and the ugly pumpkin colored kitchen with blackish brown tinted cabinets. And the annoying ticking noise of the old grandfather clock at the foot of the staircase. Dinner was always something to look forward to when you haven't been around for at least three years and now have a husband. I'm also in my second trimester of my first pregnancy with twins. Mom made duck the usual meal for this time of year. I remember dad not letting me go with him outside to get dinner when I was little and now I know why, he killed our pet ducks for what mom calls "elegant" family meals. With the duck there was a big heaping pot of loaded mashed potatoes with the bacon bits and all my absolute favorite side dish. One I'd been craving for weeks. After we finsihed eating the meal we moved on to dessert which was a lovely steaming dish of blackberry cobbler. Once that was done and the dirty plates were all still sitting at the table simply because nobody wanted to do the dishes it was time to talk.
"So, how have you and dad been" I said trying to break the silence the tension in the room was so tight you could cut it with a knife.
"Fine if that's what you would call it," she said outraged and glaring toward my direction.
I decided to clean the dishes myself. As I scrubbed away at the stains of blood left from the pieces of duck that dad liked not fully cooked. Just the thought of somebody eating meat raw made me feel sick to my stomach, and eventually I had to run over to the trashcan and well my dinner was prettier the first time I saw it. Mom never acknowledged I was vomiting over the kitchen trashcan. I heard walking coming from the hallway connecting the dining room to the living room and I honestly had hoped it wasn't my mother. Then I smelled her expensive perfume clouding the room.
"Amelia, how have you been really you haven't exactly heard from you in a very long time" said my mother admirably.
"Dealing with being a wife and being pregnant at the same time hasn't exactly been a walk in the park but I've made it through" I exclaimed.
We talked for a while and things were great just like they were when I was little but this time it was over money and making it by. We chatted over the economy, Johnathon, Dad and just whatever else came to mind. But when the topic about who was going to help me with the twins after they were born came up the tension that was there at dinner had came back and mom started getting mad.
"Well maybe you should hope that God gives you money and help because you obviously don't want it from me" said mom when I told her I was going to quit my job and be a stay at home mom.
"You were the one who said you didn't like kids. You told me that when I was a little girl and we saw a mother and baby strolling down the sidewalk and I asked you if you liked babies and you answered no strongly."
Completely and utterly outraged, I left the house and hopped into my old blue Chevy trailblazer that I had gotten as a birthday gift for my sixteenth birthday. I drove and drove and drove and finally made it home, pulling over periodically to wipe off the tears covering my cheeks and removing them from my eyes. I noticed that John's truck was in the driveway somehow he had beaten me home. I walked in the front door and took my jacket off and placed it on the coat rack, removing my keys from its pocket. I placed my keys on the table in the hallway and headed for the living room where the sound of Sunday night football was blaring through the painted walls. I walked down the hall and into the living room and I sat down on the green striped sofa. John was sitting on the other end of the room in a small chair by the window looking through the mail which most likely was of course bills.
“Are you OK?” Johnathon asked knowingly “you seemed upset at your parents place.”
“Yeah I’m fine I just told mom about how I’m quitting my job after the babies are born, and how if I needed help that I would hire a nanny.”
“She seemed pretty upset” said john slamming the pieces of mail onto the table.
I knew that those pieces of mail were just more bills like utilities and necessary bills that needed to be paid and I had to take care of them since I was the owner of the house and payed the mortgage. I walked over to sit by my husband and he patted his leg and I sat down on his lap and thought about how much pain he must be in from the weight of me and his son and daughter. I was exhausted from the day that had just happened and because of the two children causing me to have more back pain then I’d ever had in my whole life.
I woke up and looked at the digital alarm clock and it read twelve forty-two a.m. I raised up and sat straight up in bed and when I did I noticed more pain than usual for me. It wasn’t as bad as my friend’s had described labor pains so I decided it was just the usual pain for a tiny girl pregnant with twins. So, I fell back asleep again. I was wide awake again at two o’clock in the morning and the pain that felt like a knife stabbing me in my lower back was much worse now. I shook my husband and told him that we needed to go to the hospital and get things checked out even if it’s nothing I just want to make sure everything’s alright.
When we got outside and into the car I started to get scared and think that what if there was a problem or that the babies were sick. I kept my feelings to myself and decided not to tell Johnathon I really didn’t want to worry him and cause him to drive any faster then he already was. I glazed over from the passenger seat of my car at the speedometer and the tiny orange arrow was pointed at eighty-five. I suddenly grabbed the handle placed at the top of the passenger side door and held on for my life and the lives of my children.
Pulling into the corridor of the hospital labeled emergency, we got out of the car and went to access the damage of the pain that was causing me to worry terribly. The doctors placed me in a wheelchair and took me down a hallway going through double doors and up to labor and delivery. The doctors put me in a room that had blue and yellow flower wallpaper plastered all over the room. In the room, there was a small sitting area consisting of two small arm chairs and a small coffee table with a white vase with two yellow carnations placed in it. Near the door there was a curtain with pink and purple flowers, the nurses would draw the curtain when I decided to rest or just for privacy. When the last doctor came in and whispered something to one of the nurses she nodded and pointed toward one of the machines I was glued to. The nurse came back after at least five minutes of antagonizing waiting and injected some clear liquid into the tube connected to my drip IV fluid. In the next ten minutes I was under what some people call great drugs or as regular people say anesthesia.
I remember waking up and seeing Johnathon next to my bed and feeling a soreness and tearing feeling on my stomach. I looked under my dreadful hospital gown to see a huge scar from an incision made across my stomach, and then I realized they had preformed an emergency cesarean section on me to deliver my babies. I looked over to the sitting area and it was covered with flowers sent by relatives.
“What happened to the kids” I asked wondering why they weren’t with me and Johnathon or at least in an incubator in the room.
“Honey, there’s something I need to tell you, one of the babies was still born and he’s dead he died three days ago, but our little girl is still hanging on” Johnathon was so depressed when he told me the tragic news.
When the next nurse came in I immediately directed her over to my bed and asked her if it were at all possible to see my daughter.
“No she answered and said that your daughter had just passed and that she was very sorry for our loss”.
By that time me and Johnathon were already experts at bearing terrible news and we both leaned up against each other and cried until we realized that crying wasn’t going to bring our children back to us it would just make us feel worse and guilty.
We decided to have the children cremated and have their ashes poured over the baby oak tree in the backyard. Now I’m on my way home to go take my new little girl named Elizabeth to sit under the tree that way all of the precious moments will collide and I will remember them all as one great memory instead of one good one and one awful one. I will miss the twins terribly but God has a funny way of working he makes things happen that are bad but then replaces them with things that you would never ask to live without. The twins were there for a precious moment and then like a second in time they were gone.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Folklore Cross Cultures

During the fall is the best time for the most ghost stories and folklore are told. When I was little I was told stories over and over again and they all had the same message that has helped me a lot in my later life. Stories that they make cartoons about even give out positive messages that's part of the reason they are on television. Some stories are alike and some are totally different ,most of them have the same message but all with different characters.
The stories An Arkansas Tall Tale, Bloody Mary, and The Girl in White all have their similarities and their differences. One of the first similarities is that they all have people as characters instead of animals. The traveler in An Arkansas Tall Tale is lost and him and his horse are hungry and need a place to stay so they find a squatter who is playing a tune on his fiddle and looks decently fed. In the story Bloody Mary has the townspeople who start an angry mob and go after Bloody Mary because she is killing all of the girls in town to keep herself beautiful and young. In the Girl in White there is a man attending a dance whose friend tells him he should dance with a girl since his girlfriend is taking care of her sick mother, so he picks the girl dressed in white and dances with her and enjoys it. Afterwards he asks his friend what he thought of the lady in white his friend replied saying “there was nobody there just you dancing alone.”
Another similarity is that the Girl in White and Bloody Mary both have a paranormal character in their story. The story An Arkansas Tall Tale is the only story out of the three that doesn’t involve ghost or witches or anything else paranormal. Bloody Mary involves the with whom the townspeople are afraid that if they cross her that their cows would go dry and not produce any milk for the townspeople to sell and drink. The Girl in White is a ghost that the man dances with at a party dared by his friend he likes the girl and wants to go with her but then figures out she is a ghost and says that he will never dance with anybody other then his girlfriend.
The final similarity is that the first two stories have the same message. In An Arkansas Tall Tale the traveler looks at the squatter and thinks that he is going to be mean towards him and he ends up giving him and his horse food once he hears the traveler play the tune on the fiddle. In the commonly known ghost story Bloody Mary the townspeople think that Mary is a nice and caring old lady that just doesn’t want to be bothered instead she was a terrible witch that kills their children to keep herself young and beautiful. The message that both of these stories give out are that you can’t judge a book by its cover.
So all in all some stories are alike and some aren’t it depends on what you look at in the story. Some people like to look at what things have in common others are negative and look at whats different in a story, either way is good but some are easier to see than others for me its easier to see the similarities in stories.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Killer Words

Gossip... its a common thing that causes drama and trouble to start in high schools across America. Some students think that just because they are popular and have the best friends and boyfriend that they rule and are better then everyone else. I'm unfortunately sorry to admit that they are wrong you are a person just like everyone else. I read a quote on a poster last year in my algebra class that said something that surprised me the quote was this 30 years from now it won’t matter what you wore all that will matter is what you learned and how you used it. I really hope that you readers will take this quote and use it to your advantage.
In my so far 2 years of high school I've seen people that think so little of the person who doesn't wear designer jeans or shirts or even is in the same activities that they are. However, if you think about it the people that say these things about other people are very immature and the people that are getting hurt by rumors are pretty mature. I’ve learned that anybody who will say things like that about you aren’t really worth your time. People like that are just so bored in their own lives that they have to make up things about your life to keep theirs more interesting.
Think about when you were a little kid and what your parents said to you when you came home hurt because some kid said something about you. They probably said something like sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. If you took their advice your ahead in life obviously. I didn’t listen to my mom when she told me that but that goes back to being young and stupid. In high school people don’t care about your feelings they honestly could care less they are heartless people.
When i glanced upon those words it made me have a totally different attitude towards people and for the most part myself. After writing this I will no longer be a gossip girl or even get involved in it, honestly I will try to ignore it all. If you think about it in 30 years nothing will matter but how you earned your education and how much you used it to your advantage.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Directions To Nowhere

I knew giving an adulot directions was probably a bad idea considering that at the time I barely knew my left from my right. I was riding in my grandparents old black ford truck. The humming from the car engine and the static noise coming from the radio were the only two sounds that filled the entire car. I turned my head to look outside the window at the open fields. When I saw the blue beautiful sky and smelt the fresh air I remembered the smells of my own home the lovely cinnamon and clove buds. Then my attention got directed to my grandmother asking me if this is the spot where we turned, and then I froze pointing towards the red chevy car coming straight towards us. Then I heard the annoying sounds of the engine and the radio silenced.  I looked around trying to find a mirror to assess my injuries, but they were all shattered along with the other vehicle. The smell of the gas burned my throat, it disgusted me. I only remembered the sound of the sirens wailing and looking through the cracked windshield to see the red and blue lights flickering in the distance, and then complete darkness.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

One Voice

What we hear on television and what really is happening in the world sometimes are two totally different things except for the statement made about animals being abused. Its true yes its  hard to believe that animals are getting hurt because our minds don’t automatically think about   these things you have think about the subject and feel like you want to change it. Most people think oh someone else will fix that issue they don’t need my help well those people are wrong we need everyones help to solve animal cruelty.
    Micheal Vick is a NFL football player who raised pit bulls to fight them in awful dog fights honestly I do not believe in fighting dogs its cruel and unusual punishment I think if people are going to fight dogs they should put some humans into a pen and let them beat the crap out of each other and see how they feel afterwards because that's what is happening to some of the poor animals in our world. Why can’t people be nice and kind to animals like they should be that’s something I don’t know the answer to but, I wish I knew why.
    If everyone in the world who had to money and space to care for a pet that has been neglected or abused in some way there would be a lot less animals in shelters and maybe people will realize the threat some people put towards animals. There are so many animals that need good homes most of them will turn out to make great companions and great pets all of my pets have  been rescued from bad situations except for one we bought her from a breeder. The animals that I do have that were rescued are more interested in me and want to be around you all the time they love you and to be around you and sometimes that's all some people need in their heart is a little love to take over the meanness they have buried in the lives. I was watching a television show and heard a person speaking saying every 3 minutes there is an animal out there wandering the street homeless or one that has been neglected by their owner they need you help to reach out and speak for them because animals don’t have a voice we have to speak for them.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the evil strawberry must see!!

Watch "The Evil Strawberry" on YouTube
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The Tragedy That Stunned The World

When I first glanced upon the photo of that sad September morning three words came to my mind. Unfortunately none of those words made me smile or made me even smirk they all made me think of the benefits I have that others don’t especially the benefit that I'm still here alive healthy and fairly happy. I have everything I'd ever want in my life the people in this photo I am sure have seen blood shed and people jumping to their deaths simply because they couldn't escape the fire caused by terrorists crashing a plane into the twin towers. People now have seen what is so called to be the face of Satan in the smoke coming off of the burning towers and the person who thought up the plan of the 9/11 attack Sadam Husane if you change two letters in his first name it makes the word Satan.
One of the horrific words that came into my head as I was glancing upon the ashes left from the collapsing of not just one, but both the towers, is the word freedom. Yes us as Americans have freedom but the people who killed all of those people that day did not have that freedom that we do. They wake up in the morning to being told what to do they can’t go and do what they want like we can we are very fortunate as Americans.If we didn’t have the freedom we do then we would have everything chosen for us our religion, our speech, our home, the way we dress and look, everything would be controlled.
The second word that came in to my head was reason. There was no reason the terrorists had to crush all of the hearts of the American people on that day, other then they were simply told to and they were dumb enough to do everything they are told. This goes back to the saying if your friend told you to jump off a cliff would you, because I know I sure wouldn’t not even for all the money in the world. There were children who were in school and daycare who that night didn’t have a mom or a dad or even both,the terrorists killed thousands of people on that day, and we as Americans have stood together strong for the 9 years after that tragedy and we will stride on for several hundred more years.

Monday, September 13, 2010


In the poem I, Too Sing America by Langston Hughes,the tones of  pride and accomplisment, are used to show that racisim is  a pitiful and cruel thing to do,and to show the author's true belifs at the thought of this. The stanza that says "I am the darker brother" shows that the author is a more mysterious and scary being. Also the stanza "They'll see how beautiful I am"  shows that the author is wanting to show the reader that no matter how hard he gets pulled down and how much people make fun of him his point will still be heard.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Well, I've never had a blog before but I am loving how you can customize your own blog!!:)