Monday, November 1, 2010

Killer Words

Gossip... its a common thing that causes drama and trouble to start in high schools across America. Some students think that just because they are popular and have the best friends and boyfriend that they rule and are better then everyone else. I'm unfortunately sorry to admit that they are wrong you are a person just like everyone else. I read a quote on a poster last year in my algebra class that said something that surprised me the quote was this 30 years from now it won’t matter what you wore all that will matter is what you learned and how you used it. I really hope that you readers will take this quote and use it to your advantage.
In my so far 2 years of high school I've seen people that think so little of the person who doesn't wear designer jeans or shirts or even is in the same activities that they are. However, if you think about it the people that say these things about other people are very immature and the people that are getting hurt by rumors are pretty mature. I’ve learned that anybody who will say things like that about you aren’t really worth your time. People like that are just so bored in their own lives that they have to make up things about your life to keep theirs more interesting.
Think about when you were a little kid and what your parents said to you when you came home hurt because some kid said something about you. They probably said something like sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you. If you took their advice your ahead in life obviously. I didn’t listen to my mom when she told me that but that goes back to being young and stupid. In high school people don’t care about your feelings they honestly could care less they are heartless people.
When i glanced upon those words it made me have a totally different attitude towards people and for the most part myself. After writing this I will no longer be a gossip girl or even get involved in it, honestly I will try to ignore it all. If you think about it in 30 years nothing will matter but how you earned your education and how much you used it to your advantage.

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