Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Directions To Nowhere

I knew giving an adulot directions was probably a bad idea considering that at the time I barely knew my left from my right. I was riding in my grandparents old black ford truck. The humming from the car engine and the static noise coming from the radio were the only two sounds that filled the entire car. I turned my head to look outside the window at the open fields. When I saw the blue beautiful sky and smelt the fresh air I remembered the smells of my own home the lovely cinnamon and clove buds. Then my attention got directed to my grandmother asking me if this is the spot where we turned, and then I froze pointing towards the red chevy car coming straight towards us. Then I heard the annoying sounds of the engine and the radio silenced.  I looked around trying to find a mirror to assess my injuries, but they were all shattered along with the other vehicle. The smell of the gas burned my throat, it disgusted me. I only remembered the sound of the sirens wailing and looking through the cracked windshield to see the red and blue lights flickering in the distance, and then complete darkness.


  1. I froze with you hannah. Good job. I could feel how terrified you must have been when the car was coming at you.

  2. wow that was intense. i was expecting i fun day of laughter and got a scary car crash that had me jump in my seat. good job hannah

  3. haha totally remember that good description that car came out of nowhere!! totally on the edge of my seat way to go sis!!!
