Saturday, September 24, 2011

Emerson Education Blog Post

Emerson uses many strong words to show his point on how education now could be changed. Teacher's now have changed ways to make learning better for children, when it's actually making it worse. Education should be something that people should teach us willingly not something that people should force on us.

In paragraph 10, Emerson describes how the educational system is revolved not around the natural student, but around the natural teacher. Emerson also mentions how the school would be home to genius, this is no longer true in today's society we are all too lazy to want to become known as a genius, or we care too much about what other people think and then just not want to be different. He also says that students have appetite and indolence but no enthusiasm. Most students today don't want to go to school they think it's not their home, but more of their jail. If you thought of your school as your home you would want to learn, now it's the complete opposite.

Emerson also mentions, in paragraph 10, how teachers have to sensor their teaching style around the students that who aren't geniuses and you have to hold the so called geniuses back because of the students who don't care. In my school people don't listen to teacher's instructions and they end up having to repeat themselves a million times, this makes me so irratated and makes me not want to be at school because of people not doing what they are supposed to and listen to the instructor. You won't get very far if you aren't paying attention, if you think about it most jobs require a college degree and if you don't get that education you will end up getting paid minimum wage and working at some place like McDonald's.

Emerson also mentions that you have to work for large classes not for individuals, this is also very true to my school teachers and councelors don't care about what you want to be they want everyone to learn the same things even if it won't help you in your future occupation, this way people get more education and seem to work better since everyone is taking the same courses.

Some teachers decide that you have to do certain things like analyze the movement of a prokaryotic cell that is hypertonic in a solution, if you have a nature to be an art teacher or an artist this will not help you at all and won't even get you anywhere in your future occupation, it will give you some umimportant knowledge about cells that 30 years from now you won't even remember you learned.

Emerson's view on education is very wise and very accurate things do need to change and they need to take action and change them soon or we will eventually run out of those few people who are considered geniuses and then we will all be lazy bums who don't give a rip about education and where they will get in life. Some school's like mine need to get a grip on the reality of what the students actually care about, and that's not what your showing us right now.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Kobalt tools anaylsis

Persuasion is found everywhere you look, in the office, on television, and on the radio. Most of today's persuasion is found in advertisements. Kobalt tools 2010 advertisement targets mechanics and today's hardworking men to get them to buy their tools. This advertisement appeals to all of the persuasive techniques to show the great product that Kobalt has.

The most obvious, or the clearest example of one of these techniques was how it appealed to logos. Kobalt tools has claimed that they have a product that will last you a lifetime. The fact that the ad showed a father and his son working on what appears to be a car shows that the tools have lasted at least two generations, and will more than likely last several more after that. The ad clearly shows that this brand of tools is exclusive, and can only be found at your local Lowe's store. Everyone should be able to get high quality tools, such as the one's Kobalt has to offer, but if they are only available at Lowe's then not everyone gets that chance to own Kobalt's fine product.

This ad uses the people in the ad to appeal to pathos, the father and the son seem to be bonding due to the fact that they both use Kobalt tools to work on their homes, cars, and such. If you knew that when you were a kid and that your dad used Kobalt tools, when you grew up and decided you needed some tools as well; wouldn't you use the same tools? Of course you would! The ad shows Kobalt tools to be extremely reliable and better than most other brands of tools. If you were broke down on the side of the road and you knew how to fix the problem you would want a tool that is considered good, and one that you can trust to do well and not break.

Kobalt's ad appeals to ethos by showing that the tools have lasted for so long between a family that they would be considered trustworthy. Kobalt says that their tools are hassle-free guaranteed, and they will last you a lifetime. Something that is known to be hassle-free, and was proven to be hassle-free would attract a lot of buyers that do not want to deal with the tools and worrying about them breaking and losing pieces etc.

Kobalt has used a great way to appeal to ethos, pathos, logos to make anybody who is avid on tools and working to want to buy a great product that they and maybe even their father can trust and use for several generations.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

AP Lang

I decided to take the empathy quotient quiz because I wanted to see how I actually feel towards other people, and the result I found out was that I'm average. Average is how this quiz described how I feel about other people's feelings, attitudes, and actions. I honestly thought I would be more then average because of how people say I'm loving and caring and care more about other people than I do myself, which is in many ways true, but after taking this quiz made me think differently about my actions and how I will treat others now and in the near future. I first decided to take this quiz after reading the sense in the book about empathy and it had my mind channeling in many different ways to think about the way you can act to other people and it shows how they treat you. Then, I looked in the portfolio and saw the empathy quotient quiz went on and looked at the quiz and decided this would be a great thing to do for my first assignment this summer. Empathy to some people may be something they think really strongly of or something they think very little of, in my opinion it is something I'm very interested in and when I took this quiz some new things came into view for me. After realizing that i'm only average, according to this quiz, it made me think about how when somebody comes up to me if i'm not really interested in what they are saying if I will ignore them or listen anyway just because I care about the person. New things came into view for me the new thought of how people treat others is how you should be treated, that old saying is a view of empathy it lives all around us and in this book " A Whole New Mind" it is represented as one of the six senses and is a very important role in a person's life. The quiz and the book gave me a whole new mind of my own and made me feel a little more for people even if I don't really know them that well life is hard for everyone and why make it lonely and not share your troubles and accomplishments with others right?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gossip Is The Thing That Kills

"Gossip" is the thing that kills
That lingers in your soul
And hums a tune without meaning
And travels everywhere

And trouble- in the heart- is felt
And words must be the pain
That causes a death
That left so many cold

I've felt it on my weakest days
And at the oddest times
Yet-never- seeming harmful
It tried to kill me

Friday, May 20, 2011

Harlem Poem!

What happens to the people we learn to love?
Does it float away
like a twig in the river?
Or like a bird flying south
And then you learn to love again?
Like a tumbleweed in the desert?
Maybe it just is in our minds
Like an old memory of family
Or does it float away.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Character Analysis

               Sometimes we run across people who are in many ways stubborn, these people are sometimes also called determined. We also know these people to be our everyday normal hardheads. Everyone has their own flaws and we all seem to make mistakes because we are only human. Sophocles shows a very determined stubborn personality in his character Antigone in his dramatic Greek traegdy Antigone. She is a powerful woman who has been a certain right to bury her beloved brother.
               Her brother, Polynices, who Antigone believes " I will bury, and thine no less," has a very stubborn sister who fights for what she wants and what she knows to be right. To me Antigone seems to want nothing more to do then what she belives to be right and doesn't want to listen to anybody else's opinion on how she should or shouldn't do things. To her sister, Ismene, Antigone is just trying to do nothing but get herself into a heap of trouble. When Antigone thinks of breaking the law and burying her brother she thinks of herself and the Gods and it is where she knows " I shall dwell forever." Antigone in a way seems like she only wants to please a certain crowd and that she doesn't care what other people think about her and only wants to abide to her rules. She only wants to do whats right to the people she knows care the most and she will be with for the rest of her life which are, in this case, the Gods.
               Haunted by the dreadful thought of her brothers bones being "picked by the fowl and licked by hungry dogs," Antigone trys to fight for her brother's rights. Antigone seems to always wanted to do the right thing and the single thought of her poor brother lying on the cold ground getting eaten and his bones being picked doesn't seem to sound appealing to her. She loves her brother and doesn't want anyone or anything to cause anymore harm to him then they already have. Antigone knows that nothing seems "more honorable then this, the burying of my brother." Antigone knows not anything else other to do in this situation then to try do the right thing in her mind. She also seems to want the little family she has left to help her and try to be as honorable to her dead brother as she is trying to be.
                Antigone knew her brother who "in his grave with not subscribe to this." She knows her family all so well and thinks she knows exactly whats best and whats the worst possible thing for them at any given moment. If she was in her brother's situation I believe her brother would do the same thing she is trying to for him to her. With Antigone's brother being dead she is left "with a heavy hearted soul." Antigone knows that when she was sentenced off into the cave that she might not make it back out alive and that she wanted nothing more then to just make things right. She wanted to be with the people she loved and thought the best way to do it was to be dead herself and hopefully get proper burial rights.
                In this tragic play the most stubborn and determined girl I have ever heard fights for the rights she thinks her family deserves and in the end dies for what she thinks is the right way to do things. In the end love conquers all and family comes first, Antigone thought so and we as people ourselves should take that into consideration the next time one of our parents or siblings need help. Antigone in the end and throughout the whole story was a strong and determined young girl who got denied the proper rights her family and her deserved.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Day Your Here The Next Your Not

          Animal poaching is a major problem that, we as humans in the great and beautiful country that we live in definitely don't need to take lightly. There are several different types of precious species of animals that are in grave danger due to the poachers coming in and killing the animals and taking the animals body parts and selling them for money or taking them for a trophy. Before there were anti-poaching laws places like national parks were losing several hundred animals a year just because of poaching. Now those numbers are still pretty high but not as high as they were before.
          There is still much we can do to stop poaching in the United States and in countries like Africa where the African Rhino is on its way to extinction because of poachers. The sad thing about this species is that poachers will kill the animal and cut off the horn and just leave the rest of the animal there to rot. According to the information in Ganley's article about African Rhinos and how they are being hunted and killed, if you are caught in Africa with a rhino horn you will be in a lot of trouble and whoever finds the horn with you will probably get in trouble for beating you so much.(Ganley)
           There is also other animals that are in need of help from being taken off this earth from the cruelty of poachers. The minke and gray whales are in a totally different region then the African Rhino but are in the same position. The minke and gray whales however, have to worry about being killed and then being cut open and their meat used to be in people's soup. We could use a different meat in our soup besides one of a animal on the verge of not existing anymore. If something doesn't happen to fix this major problem then we will never get to show these beautiful animals to our grand kids or maybe not even our children.This problem needs to be fixed and people are the only ones who can fix it because animals don't have a voice they can't speak for themselves so they need somebody to help them and be their voice and love and care for them so they can stay on this earth and coexist with people in harmony.